6 Things About Development Nobody Tells You at the Beginning

And you should know

Jana Bergant


There are a few things nobody tells a new developer. I wish I knew them back then when I started.

Twenty years ago, I wrote my first program. It started as a school assignment, but I soon learned this is what I want to do.

If I started again, this is what I’d do differently. Here is a list of things nobody told me at the beginning, and I wish they did.

Everything Is Not a TOP Priority

Your bosses talk about deadlines. Everyone is busy and cannot help you when you get stuck. The thing you had to solve last week is still not working. The guy you work with just got you super confused talking about some new technology. Maybe you should have used that instead of the thing that gives you nightmares now. And then there comes a team meeting. There is so much to do, and you feel bad for not contributing more. You should learn faster, code better.

STOP! This kind of thinking will never help you get better. It leads to anxiety, sleepless nights, and bad code.

Remember: everything is NOT a top priority. You cannot learn everything today.

You need to learn or find out what is most important now.

